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Best Business Practices


Organizational Culture

Continuous Improvement and Increased Quality of Service

  • Development of a Career Path in the Business Services Office which creates the opportunity for advancement through workplace experience, training and teamwork performance initiatives
  • Customer Service Certification and Training through EOD
  • Technology improvements such as Archibus (online entry/work review), use of handheld devices (tablets), Computer and Technology Training
  • Certification programs such as CCP and Zone Maintenance Customer Service Training
  • Creation of Inspection Teams, STAR,and RRT

High Performance Staffing

  • Attract market place equivalents with the use of career path
  • Encourage employee advancement through Career Path models
  • Creation of STAR and RRT
  • Creation and use of Search Committee Handbook
  • Managerial training in Behavioral-based interviewing practices

Workforce Learning and Performance

  • Training and cross training in areas such as IRIS and Archibus for Business Office staff
  • On the job training for critical services for all employees
  • Skillsoft training for all employees (specific to job duties)
  • Distribution of Merit Raises throughout department
  • Employee Training & Development Office management department training, such as certification programs

Knowledge Management

  • Training in accordance with HR128 guidelines
  • Job duties targeted to match specific skills of employees
  • Employees are cross trained throughout sections of the department
  • Central Standard Operating Procedures Repository


  • Cross training for all positions and responsibilities
  • Formation of a centralized administrative group
  • Zone Maintenance and Construction Employees are trained on a variety of different skillsets
  • Employees are cross trained throughout sections of the department

Reliability & Sustainability

  • Longevity of dedicated staff
  • Adherence to UT and FS Policy for attendance and schedules
  • STAR Team: The STAR Team is a specialized team responsible for providing a more focused service function to the research community.
  • The Rapid Response Team (RRT) is responsible for special projects, customer initiatives, crises and emergencies. RRT also oversees transfers and hauling.


  • Centralized business staff guided by UT and FS policies and procedures
  • Regular audits of all Business Services

Creativity, Integrity, & Flexibility

  • Encourage employees to review business services and processes and offer suggestions for improvements, pride in jobs and cross training, teamwork

Environmental Sensitivity

  • Operates under the guidelines of the UT Office of Diversity in the Business Office
  • A department Office Etiquette procedure is in place.
  • Loud projects are scheduled around affected areas.

Business Processes

Strategic Planning

  • Career Path Model, BSO Administrative Group with centralized task and performances, standardization of work within the office, cross training for all responsibilities

Organizational Development

  • Re-organization of staff – determined by skill set
  • Cross training and specialized training
  • Centralized Administrative Group

Contracting for products & services

  • Utilizes UT Purchasing Department’s ESM System
  • Adheres to UT Fiscal Policy – procurement policies and procedures and FS policies and procedures

Quality assurance

  • Multiple levels of review in the Business Services Office before release of work/assignments
  • Inspection teams have been put in place throughout the Landscape Services, Zone Maintenance and Building Services units
  • An annual Customer Satisfaction Survey is conducted

Budgeting & Procurement

  • Ensures the availability of funds for the procurement of goods and services

Best Practice processes & procedures

  • Follows UT and FS policies and procedures as well as UT Best Business Practices in the IRIS Environment issued by Audit and Consulting Services
  • Launch of new Archibus System


  • Comparison of like services with the use of Sightlines, Archibus, and the Facilities Performance Indicators Survey

Managed Service Partnerships

Compliance Monitoring

  • Subject to UT Internal Audit and State Audit

Utility & Energy Monitoring

  • UT Knoxville has a SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system in place and has recently installed metering for electricity, water, and steam condensate on all buildings.


Technical Processes


  • Use of Archibus PM, WR Assignment and Leave Records.

Use of facilities automation technologies

  • The department utilized Archibus and has distributed handheld mobile devices to its field personnel

System Operation & Maintenance

  • Utilization of Archibus
  • OIT managed servers with regular patches/service updates

Quality Control

  • Archibus three-step server process, Development, Q/A, and Production

Facilities Condition Assessment

  • Implementing Archibus Phase II
  • Sightlines ROPA+ & Go Green benchmarking/assessment

Engineering & Construction

Project Management

Asset Management


Knowledge assets

Building & Grounds

Utilities Infrastructure

Vehicles, equipment, tools, supplies & materials

Communications & Network equipment

  • Equipment is managed within the department and through the University’s Office of Information Technology(OIT)

Facilities automation hardware & software

  • Addressed through the Archibus system and managed by OIT

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