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Electrical Services


Cesar Penalba

Superintendent, Electrical Services

Contact Information:



Electrical Services Techs
Electrical Services is composed of three units: Electrical, Electronic Low Voltage, and High Voltage. The Electrical Unit maintains secondary voltage power distribution systems, performing such utility functions as: installation of new electrical circuits; maintenance and repair of building switchboards; repair of indoor and outdoor lighting systems; general troubleshooting and repair of electrical distribution systems. The Electronics and Low Voltage Unit installs and maintains permanent systems such as fire alarms, clocks, and bell systems. The High Voltage Unit operates and maintains extensive high voltage power distribution systems. This unit performs such functions as: Repair or replacement of underground or overhead distribution lines; Rerouting of power distribution to back-up circuits during emergencies.

Electrical Distribution System

Electrical Services is responsible for the maintenance and operation of all electrical distribution systems owned by the Knoxville Campus. This includes all primary and secondary systems located on the Main and Agricultural Campuses and the secondary systems of rental properties located off campus. Therefore, all power outages required in any university building for renovation or maintenance work being performed by outside contractors must be scheduled through the Utilities Services unit. The actual discontinuance and restoration of power will be performed by Facilities Services employees with the assistance of the Knoxville Utilities Board as necessary.

Electrical Outlets

Dedicated electrical outlets can be provided by Electrical Services. Dedicated electrical outlets may or may not be a dedicated circuit for a particular piece of equipment, but the circuit may be dedicated for a particular type of equipment such as computers.

Electrical Requirements for Offices, Laboratories, or Special Equipment

Team member testing electrical panel
All standard 120 volt, single-phase circuits are limited to 20 amperes of current capacity. Electrical Services (974-7769) should be consulted to determine the appropriate phase and voltage required for any area in which equipment is to be installed which requires power other than 120 v., single phase, 20 amp. service. Electrical Services also installs new race ways for computer cabling and network connections.

Electrical Wiring Changes in Buildings

Facilities Services must make, approve, or supervise any changes to the electrical wiring within buildings. This includes installation of wiring for security systems. To obtain service, call the Work Order Office, 946-7777. New installations/changes and general problems with electrical service should be discussed with Electrical Services (974-7769).


Electrical Services installs and repairs card readers for campus buildings. This unit also installs campus security cameras.


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